Secure Document Destruction and Shredding Services

Keep your confidential information confidential… Australian Destruction Services offer a secure destruction service that destroys your documents under tight security and guarantees a professional, efficient and confidential document destruction experience.

Australian Destruction Services destroy all levels of documentation and are a preferred supplier for Australian, state and local governments in the Canberra (ACT) and Sydney (NSW) regions. To achieve preferred supplier status Australian Destruction Services had to gain accreditation with the Australian Government by complying with all their benchmarks for our procedures, facilities and destruction processes. All staff have ‘secret’ level clearances and that not only includes our service and destruction personnel, but office personnel as well.

Collections are transported door to door in a purpose built vehicle. All documents remain inside the security container for the entire trip – we do not empty bins into the compactor vehicle in the street.

Our secure destruction services are very price competitive and a quote can be provided on request. Bulk rates also apply.
Secure Document


Secure DocumentsDocument SecureSecure Document Bin